AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer APK (Paid/Full Version)

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AlpineQuest is the complete solution for all outdoor activities and sports, including hiking, running, trailing, hunting, sailing, geocaching, off-road navigation and much more.

Download AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer APK (Paid/Full Version) Latest Version

You can access and store locally a large range of on-line topographic maps, which will remain available even while being out of cell coverage. AlpineQuest also supports on-board file based maps, like QCT or OZFx2 maps.

By using the GPS and the magnetic sensor of your device (with compass display), getting lost is part of the past: you are localized in real-time on the map, which can also be oriented to match where you are looking at.

Download Also : Sygic Truck GPS Navigation & Maps Final MOD [Unlocked]

Key features are:

★★ Maps ★★
• Built-in online maps (with automatic local storage; road, topo and satellite maps included) and online layers (road names, hillshade, contours);
• Get more online maps and layers in one click from the included community map list (all major worldwide maps and many local topo maps);
• Complete area storage of online maps for off-line use;
On-board offline maps support (raster) including KMZ Overlays, OziExplorer OZFx2/OZFx3 (partly)/.map+.jpg/.png/.bmp/.gif, GeoPackage GeoPkg, MbTile, SqliteDB and TMS zipped tiles (visit our website to get MOBAC, the free map creator);
QuickChart Memory Map support (.qct maps only, .qc3 maps not compatible);
• Built-in image calibration tool to use any scan or picture as map;
Digital elevation model on-board storage (1-arcsec SRTM DEM) and support for HGT elevation files (both 1-arcsec and 3-arcsec resolutions) allowing display of terrain, hillshade and steep slopes;
• Multiple maps in layers display, with per-map opacity/contrast/color control;
• Advanced SD memory card Map Explorer.

★★ Placemarks ★★
• Create, display, save, restore unlimited number of items (waypoints, routes, areas and tracks);
• Import/export GPX files, Google Earth KML/KMZ files and CSV/TSV files;
• Import ShapeFile SHP/PRJ/DBF, OziExplorer WPT/PLT, Geocaching LOC waypoints and export AutoCAD DXF files;
• Save and share online locations with other users using Community Placemarks;
Details, advanced statistics and interactive graphics on various items;
• Time Controller to replay time-tagged tracks;
• Routes, tracks and areas creator;
• Advanced SD memory card Placemarks Explorer.

★★ GPS Position / Orientation ★★
• On-map geolocation using GPS or Network;
• Map orientation, compass and target finder;
• Built-in GPS/Barometric track recorder (long tracking capable, running in a separate and light process);
• Proximity alerts and leave path alerts;
• Barometer support (for compatible devices).

★★ And more: ★★
• Metric, imperial and hybrid distance units;
• GPS Latitude/Longitude and grid coordinate formats (UTM, MGRS, USNG, OSGB, SK42, Irish, Swiss, Lambert, QTH Maidenhead Locator System, …);
• Ability to import hundreds of coordinate formats from;
• On-map grids display, full screen map view, multi-touch zoom;


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