Coursera APK (Latest)
Learn on the go with the free Coursera App for Android. Access more than 1,000 courses and Specializations developed by 140+ of the best colleges and universities in the world, and advance your career or continue your education by mastering subjects from Python programming and data science to photography and music.
Learn from top instructors in an engaging learning experience:
• Browse 1000+ courses in a variety of subject areas, from math to music, to medicine
• Stream lecture videos online any time, or download for offline viewing
• Transition seamlessly between web and app learning, with coursework, quizzes, and projects saved across both platforms
• Learn in dozens of languages, including Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Russian
• Earn Course and Specialization Certificates and share your success with employers, colleagues, and friends
Advance your career or continue your education in subjects like:
• Computer Science: Programming, Mobile and Web Development
• Data Science: Machine Learning, Statistics, Probability, and Data
• Business: Accounting, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship
• Sciences: Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine
• Art, including Design, Photography, Music, and Creative Writing
…and hundreds more!
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Joining Coursera is free. To qualify to earn a certificate, enroll in a range of Specializations by paying per course or Specialization.
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