Photo Mechanic Plus Crack (x64)

6.0 Build 6097
Photo Mechanic Plus is an application for image management software that works like popular image management software such as Picasa, with the difference that its most important feature is having image editing and organizing tools.
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UpdatedOctober 26, 2021
Version6.0 Build 6097
RequirementsWindows 10, 8.1, Windows 8, 7, (32 bit & 64 bit)
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Photo Mechanic Plus is an application for image management software that works like popular image management software such as Picasa, with the difference that its most important feature is having image editing and organizing tools. The Soft automatically scans all the photos in the system and hard disk and displays them for you in the Library section. In this section, you can quickly browse your images and organize them. In addition, the ability to tag photos and edit them in this software is one of the factors that can attract your attention.

Photo Mechanic Plus includes all the speed and features that are in Photo Mechanic with the premium addition of a powerful image database. All the functions and features of Photo Mechanic are just as you’ve always used them, with the new feature of catalogs for indexing every photo you’ve ever taken.

Top 6 new features:

Scroll A Million Photos Without A Pause

Photo Mechanic Plus takes performance to a new level. Browse a million photos without stopping.

Powerful Search Box

Search gives you the power of simple or complex searches to find what you’re looking for across multiple drives

Saved Searches

Craft exact advanced searches and then save them to always be able to find exactly what you need


Browse by date, camera, lens, rating, color class … anything you need!

Multiple Catalogs

Use, search, or browse multiple catalogs at once. Keep yourself organized among several projects or search through everything!


Use collections to combine images from multiple folders or drives into cohesive units to keep yourself organized or present to clients.

What's new

Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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