Tomb Raider II APK + OBB (Latest)

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Tomb Raider 2 APK has been remastered and is now playable on all Android devices. Now is the perfect time to revisit this classic PC game and play it on your Android device.

Download Tomb Raider II APK + OBB (Latest) Latest Version


After the success after Tomb Raider, everyone knew we would see Lara Croft again. Then she returns a year later, discovering new treasures, attacking enemies, and getting creatively titled Tomb her Raider 2. The story focuses on her Xian dagger, a legendary weapon that can turn a person into a kite. . And of course, like all mystical and powerful weapons, someone is going to get their hands on them and use them for bad reasons. The game’s story is interesting, predictable, and memorable, yet still good to hold your attention.

Download Tomb Raider II APK

You can travel all over the world, starting with the Great Wall and ending with Venice and Tibet. Greatly improved graphics make every level look great. For Android devices, these are nice looking textures with improved character models. Lara’s scoop face is as bad as ever, and her body is as fantastic as ever. A very versatile fantasy. The levels are bigger than the first game and make good use of the game’s lighting effects. But these bigger levels come with harder puzzles. Those puzzles are much more difficult. I often get lost while searching for the switch I missed. Gameplay is the same as the first game, which is not a bad thing. Jump, climb and shoot while searching for treasure to advance to the next level.

Lara still has her famous handgun, but the game also has new weapons like the M16 and one of my favorite weapons, the harpoon gun. Combat is much more frequent than in the first game because of the decimation. Tomb Raider II APK + DATA platform is still fragile and rely on many blind his jumps. Luckily, you can save from anywhere. There are also several vehicle sections that rock the action, such as driving a boat around Venice. And there are still frustratingly awkward swimming levels.While it all sounds great, there is something about this game that is not as thrilling as the original. The first game made a big impact on gaming.

Key Features

•Explore GRAND NEW LOCATIONS from Tibet, China to Venice, Italy!
•ARM YOURSELF with automatic pistols, grenade launcher, M16 rifle and more!
•Over 50 UNIQUE ACHIEVEMENTS to unlock!
•KILL OR BE KILLED by deadly Warrior Monks, Yetis and more!
•Comes complete with “THE GOLDEN MASK” expansion!
•Take CONTROL OF VEHICLES such as motorboats and quad bikes!


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