Call Recorder – Cube ACR MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

The most technically advanced call recorder. Records phone calls and VoIP. Supports call recording for most versions of android devices. If you have already tried to record calls using other applications for recording calls and did not get a satisfactory result, try Call Recorder - Cube ACR, it just works the best.
4.6/5 Votes: 804,104
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DeveloperCube Apps Ltd
Released onDec 13, 2016
UpdatedAug 20, 2024
Get it on Google Play


★ Premium / Paid features Unlocked
★ Unwanted Permissions + Activities removed
★ Unwanted Services + Receivers and Providers removed
★ Ads Activities + Services and Providers removed
★ Ads / Analytics / Crashlytics links removed
★ Ads methods nullified
★ Ads visibility disabled
★ AOSP compatible
★ Google / Location Maps work
★ Debug code removed
★ Original package signature changed


If your device is running on Android 9 and up, or if your goal is to record VoIP calls (and only if your device allows it), you will need to install Cube ACR Helper on your device in order to ensure that your Cube ACR app is working properly.

Install and set up Cube ACR Helper on your Android device:

● Install Cube ACR Helper;

● Launch Cube ACR Helper, ‘Go to App Connector, ‘More downloaded services’, ‘Cube ACR App Connector’ and switch Accessibility to ‘On’.

NOTE: If your device is running on Android 13 you need allow ‘Restricted settings’:
Open your device Settings → Apps → Cube ACR Helper. Tap the ‘ ⋮ ’ menu on the top panel. Tap ‘Allow restricted settings’, then tap ‘OK’.


Cube Call Recorder MOD APK is the most technically advanced call recorder. Records phone calls and VoIP. Supports call recording for most versions of android devices. If you have already tried to record calls using other applications for recording calls and did not get a satisfactory result, try Call Recorder – Cube ACR, it just works the best.

Call Recorder Cube ACR 1


Call Recorder – Cube ACR is an application that records all phone calls most easily and clearly. If you want to record important calls or conference calls, this is the right choice that you cannot ignore. Thanks to unique and modern recording tools, this application serves you in a responsive and quality way.


– Phone calls
– Skype 7, Skype Lite
– Viber
– WhatsApp
– Hangouts
– Facebook
– WeChat
– Slack
– Telegram
– more coming soon!


Automatically record every call. Record each conversation the moment it starts;
Automatically record selected contacts. Create a list of people you want to always record;
Exclusion list. Create a list of contact who won’t be recorded automatically;
Manual recording. Tap the record button mid-call to record only the selected conversations or parts of them;
In-App playback. Cube ACR has a built-in file explorer for managing your recordings, playing them, deleting them on the fly, or exporting them to other services or devices;
Smart speaker switching. Bring the phone to your ear on playback to switch from loudspeaker to ear speaker to privately listen to your recordings.
Starred recordings. Mark important calls and filter them for quick access;
– Call back and open contacts right from the app.


Cloud backup. Save your call recording to Google Drive and restore them if something goes wrong.
Pin lock. Protect your recording from prying eyes and ears.
More audio formats. Record calls in MP4 format and changes their quality.
Save to SD card. Move your recordings to an SD card and use it as a default save location.
Shake-to-mark. Shake your phone while recording your calls to mark the important parts of a conversation.
Smart storage management. Automatically delete overtime old unimportant (non-starred) calls and ignore recording short calls.
Post-call actions. Immediately play, share or delete a recording once you stop a conversation.


Even if your device doesn’t support cellular calls, you can use Cube Call Recorder to record Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, and other VoIP conversations.


Cube Call Recorder MOD APK makes it easy to record incoming and outgoing calls and conversations on the most popular VOIP apps. The most technologically advanced call recorder.

What's new

- Initial presets updated;
- Stability improvements and other fixes.



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