Prime Novus Substratum Patched APK
Prime Novus Substratum Patched APK works on stock Android Oreo 8.0, 8.1, and Android Nougat 7.1.+ ROM with OMS and RRO. This theme comes with various Dark option backgrounds and also a Transparent option theme base for Nougat and Oreo. There’s a lot of option inside theme from changing the primary, accent and background colors to change the looks or layout on some application.
– Try to clean installed overlays first before compiling this theme.
– If your home button doesn’t work after applying the theme, the solution is very simple, just tap the recent button then followed by the home button. That’s it.
– You may clean your installed theme by Long pressing the Substratum icon and select Rescue Me
You need to install the Substratum theme engine app to use Prime Novus Substratum, the minimum version required is version 803
📱 Supported system;
• Android 10 Q*
• Android 9.0 Pie*
• Android 8.0 & 8.1 Oreo*
• Android Nougat 7.1 *
• For Samsung Support check out Cygnus Substratum for Samsung
*Stock AOSP & AOSP based CustomROM. (Stock OEMs like EMUI/MIUI/ZenUI etc are NOT supported.)
🔔 Attention
• Substratum/Substratum Lite Theme Engine needed
• Reinstall Overlay after App Update
• Disable Overlays before System Update
• Overlays can cause boot loops and app force closes