Zapya v6.5.8.2 (US) MOD APK (VIP Unlocked) Free Download

Zapya – File Transfer, Share MOD APK (VIP Unlocked)

I- (US)
4.5/5 Amavoti: 1,027,899
Inkampani Dewmobile Inc.
Apr 29, 2024
I- (US)
100,000,000 +
-Google Play
Bika lolu hlelo lokusebenza


2.ISEKELA YONKE I-ANDROID VERSION(1-11, armeabi-v7a-arm64-v8a)


Yabelana ngamafayela usebenzisa amakhodi e-QR, bukela amavidiyo amafushane ashisa izikhotha, bese uxoxa nabangane bakho usebenzisa i-Zapya uhlelo lokusebenza lokwabelana ngamafayela olungcono kakhulu. khulula ukusebenzisa nokusekela wonke amapulatifomu!


Need to share files but have no Internet connection? No problem! Zapya allows you to transfer files from Android phones, iPhones, and PC without using Wi-Fi or mobile data. Not only is Zapya easy to use and there is no cost to the user, but it also supports 20 languages. File transferring has never been easier!

Zapya will be an application that can help users optimize file transfer related activities and tasks in a simple way. If you regularly perform file transfers for your work, this is a top-rated app you’ll want to consider adding to your app collection. With this application, users can transfer their files of any size or format anywhere.


One of the problems that all people users seem to have encountered and struggled to solve is the offline file transfer task. . But from now on, these operations will be made simple thanks to the offline file sharing feature that Zapya can provide to users. The app is ready to provide users with four different ways to share file types with people near you. Methods would include creating a custom QR code for others to scan, shaking the code to connect to another device, or simply sending files to people nearby, creating groups and inviting others to join.


In addition to offline file transfer operations that users can use in case the device cannot connect to wifi, online file transfer will also be supported. With online file transfer, users can transfer files from any device using a web browser. Through the Zapya Transfer icon on the Transfer page, users can share any file of any size with other users around the world.

Izici ezengeziwe

Ukutholwa Kwevidiyo
Zitholele futhi ubukele amavidiyo amafushane ashisa kakhulu abiwe abanye abasebenzisi.

Ukuphindaphinda kwefoni
Yenza isipele futhi udlulisele kalula wonke amafayela kudivayisi yakho endala uwayise kwentsha. Ukuze usebenzise lesi sici, kufanele unikeze imvume yokufinyelela kurekhodi lwamakholi (ukwaziswa kwe-CALL_LOG) nokufunda isimo sefoni (READ_PHONE_STATE ukwaziswa).

Ingxoxo engaxhunyiwe ku-inthanethi
Xoxa futhi wabelane ngemidiya nabangane abaseduze ngaphandle kokusebenzisa i-inthanethi noma idatha.

Ukwabelana Ngekhodi ye-QR
Sebenzisa amakhodi e-QR ukuze uxhume amadivayisi futhi wabelane ngamafayela! Kwenza ukuphila kube lula kakhulu.

Ukwabelana Kweqembu nokuningi
Awukwazi nje ukwabelana ngamafayela nabantu abaningi, kodwa futhi ningaxoxa ndawonye usebenzisa isici se-instant messenger futhi ubone ukuthi ikhamera yefoni yomngane wakho ibona ini kudivayisi yakho usebenzisa isici sekhamera esikude.

Faka Konke Inketho
Unefoni entsha futhi ufuna nje ukufaka zonke izinhlelo zokusebenza ezidumile noma izinhlelo zakho zokusebenza ezilondoloziwe? Kopisha amafayela e-APK kusuka kwenye ifoni noma i-PC kufoni entsha. Iya kokuthi “Okwendawo”, bese uthi “Amafayela”, bese uthi “Izinhlelo zokusebenza”. Khetha zonke izinhlelo zokusebenza ofuna ukuzifaka bese uvele uchofoze "Faka Konke". Konga isikhathi!

I-Mac & PC Support
Sebenzisa ifoni yakho ukulondoloza amafayela ku-Mac noma i-PC yakho futhi uyisebenzise njengegundane elingenantambo lapho wenza isethulo (PPT, njll.).

Amapulatifomu asekelwayo
I-Android (izinguqulo 4.0 kuye ku-9.0), iOS, Windows XP/7/8/10, Mac OSX, Windows Phone 8.1 no-10, kanye nesiphequluli sewebhu

Izilimi Ezisekelwayo
IsiNgisi (Okuzenzakalelayo), isiShayina (Esenziwe Lula & Sosiko), isi-Hindi, iSpanishi, isi-Arabic, isiThai, isiBurma, isi-Indonesian (Bahasa), isiNtaliyane, isiVietnam, isiRashiya, isiPheresiya, isiTamil, isiMalayalam, isiTelegu, isiMalay, isiTurkey, isiKorea, nesiPutukezi.

Start sharing files with those around you using one of the three simple ways to transfer available on Zapya. Create a group and invite others to join it, generate a personalized QR code for others to scan, or simply send files to those nearby.

Yini entsha

1. Sekela ukufinyelela kokufunda/ukubhala ku-OTG USB Drive
2. Kulungiswe inkinga yokuphahlazeka kusukela ekukhishweni kokugcina



shiya impendulo

Ikheli lakho le ngeke ishicilelwe. Ezidingekayo ibhalwe *